Thursday, September 24, 2020

Hi Natty

 How are you, my love?  How's sunny California?  I hope you are healthy and enjoying yourself.  Did you watch the finale of AGT?  I have to say that show is no fun without Simon Cowell.  Do you think he broke his back on purpose so he could get away from that show?  I wonder...

I took my mother to the market this morning.  While I was there, I got a big bag of fresh fish balls and a couple of blocks of fresh tofu.  I've been gorging on fish balls and tofu all day.  I must say that fresh fish balls and fresh tofu is a super healthy and tasty combination, and we must feed it to our children.  By the time dinner came around though, I was tired of fish balls.  So I had cheeseburgers and fries instead.  I guess I'm somewhat of  normal guy after all.

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