Saturday, July 18, 2020

Curry pups

Hi Natty!  How are you?  I hope you are healthy and happy.  It's just another average day here for me.  I spent most of it in the kitchen.  I made some curry pups (also known as curry puffs) stuffing yesterday, so that's what I had for lunch: curry pups.  They're basically dough stuffed with curry flavored meat and potatoes, you can buy them from many stalls by the side of the road nowadays for 3 for RM1.  They're not very big, about the size of a small computer mouse at the most.  I can't make them that small because my hands are too big, so each one I make is at least 3 times the normal size.  It's a nice filling meal when they're that big.  I ate 4.

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