Thursday, June 25, 2020

What doesn't kill me doesn't necessarily make me stronger

Hi Natty!  How are you today?  I hope all is well with you.  Me, I'm still a bit woozy  from yesterday's hike.  Yeah, it was just a lousy 2 km pushing a motorcycle.  I used to walk miles and miles uphill and through snowstorms.  Ain't no mo!  I got through the day OK, but I didn't cut any grass.  I just did some pruning for my mother, and that was it for yard work today.  Do you recognize that quote?  "What doesn't kill me only makes me stronger".  That's Nietzsche. Since that quote crept into popular music, that's probably the only thing he's remembered for.  I used to march miles and miles through the streets while reading Nietzsche in my jungle boots, using my peripheral vision to keep an eye on traffic.  Boy, I was an idiot when I was your age.  Now that I'm older, I think Nietzsche was an idiot.

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