Sunday, May 3, 2020

The path

Hi Natty!  Oh, are you missing NYC?  That was quite a sudden change you went through.  I'm glad you are safe, though.  Alhamdulillah.  I wish I could have experienced all the fun places and things you did with you, but I had my own steps to take.  I don't get too nostalgic about my past.  I was telling some old friends, the past is fun to remember but I wouldn't want to have to relive it.  Allah saved my life many times, and I got to keep the music, but I lost some good friends.  Your path seems glamorous and beautiful, Natty.  I envy you that.  The present and future is interesting, you must agree.  This present and future is unique to you and I more than other people.  But we all have our own paths we follow.  Ya Allah, please guide us closer than this to the right path.

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