Sunday, April 19, 2020


Hi Natty!  How's it going?  I hope everything is going well for you, and you are feeling good.  It's been a busy day for me.  I cleaned my mother's bedroom as usual every Sunday.  I made a quick lunch after that- scrambled eggs with 2 pieces of fresh pita bread.  In the evening, I went out to buy some supplies.  Ramadan begins this Friday, so I'm preparing for that.  I got lentils, beans, chicken breast, anchovies, etc.  Lentils are cheap, but you can't get too creative with them or they will taste like crap.  Just plain old hummus, but that should go well with pita bread.  I also bought some of those tiny shrimp which are plankton size.  I've never used them before, so I'm going to try some shrimp experiments with them.  Wish me success.

I was also busy on Second Life: TMP is having a giveaway on its classic mesh body for 1 Linden.  It was a maze I tell you, navigating the store and it was CROWDED.  Mary was off by then, so I used her avatar to get the gift.  I think I may have gotten the male body though, I don't know because I haven't opened the box yet.  If it is the male body then I can't show it to her.  She's very sensitive about that stuff.  Yeah, oh-so-feminine, huh?  I'm sorry, I'm sorry!  I'll delete it!

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