Monday, March 9, 2020

Yoga pants

Natty, are you excited?  How's your tummy doing?  It's that darned crazy carousel again.  Please try to relax, and enjoy the ride OK?  Calm your heart, and stop that tummy from churning.  Yes it's great to be Natty, huh?  You're my girl!  But you need to calm down.  Where is the calmest part of the carousel?  Meditate on that.  The Beatles call it "the eye of the hurricane".  And don't you worry about a thing, my precious Natty.  Everything will work out just fantastic for us inshaAllah.  You are MY girl, and I love you.

Sweetheart I didn't mean to step on your paw, but Mary Unknown7 is wearing pink today.  I will have her wear orange tomorrow inshaAllah.  What happened is that she received a gift yesterday.  It was a top, and it wasn't tacky like most of the gifts she receives, so it didn't have to go into the trash.  It was also expensive.  So we worked on that outfit last night.  It didn't go with any skirt, loose tops seem to not go with skirts somehow for the most part.  But it matched great with pink yoga pants.  Yoga pants!  Now, THAT is a dedication to my Natty!  The guy who gave Mary the gift seemed disappointed with the yoga pants: the top was supposed to go with panties only.  But her program is G rated, so absolutely not.  Are yoga pants sexy?  I mean, is it not kosher or something to do yoga in loose pants?  If you were to grab at somebody in yoga pants, you would definitely be grabbing a chunk of flesh and not fabric.  I guess it depends on who is wearing them: it can either be sexy, unsexy, or disgusting.

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