Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Orange Alert

Natty, that is a beautiful slideshow.  I watched it many times over.  I am happy you have found your group, and it is a wonderful reason to band together.  Please stick together in harmony, and never give up.  Here I am, this evening I was in the yard burning stumps generating and inhaling smoke, killing young trees to prepare the land for my wife's house, while you are actively campaigning for the environment.  Life is a paradox.  Spirituality is not just about being, it is about having faith within the paradox.  Faith that there is a next life that is perfect.  If you practice yoga as a science, then I will support and defend you.  But if you are seeking a universal religion, then Islam is the Universal Religion.  Islam is set up by God to prevail over all religions.  If you reject this, then you must not become a Muslim bride.

God is the center of the carousel.  I knew that the US stock market would crash, I even knew when it would crash, but I didn't know what would be the trigger.  I asked you a long time ago to move out of the country.  NYC is not the place to be when the stock market fails.  I hope you bought that real estate in your home town like I asked you to, because you may need it sooner than later.  If the US economy fails, you must retreat to Vancouver.  Fulfill your obligations and pay off your lease if you can, but make sure your ticket to safety is paid up and ready to go when you need it, and keep in mind that you may have to drive there.  You can still do fashion business from Vancouver, you're not a rookie model anymore.  Don't panic buy, try to live from day to day.  Don't panic sell either, try to save your stuff.  This is an Orange Alert: the longer you stay in NYC, the greater the probability you will be quarantined there.  Prepare to get back to Vancouver and start a yoga studio.  Please stay calm, and please pray: perhaps Allah would provide an easier salvation.  Retreat sucks, but it's better than being squashed like a bug by a bug.

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