Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Hi Natty

How are you today, Sweetheart?  If you're longing to get married and settle down, oh so am I.  I long for us to be together, everyday.  How is Paris treating you?  Are they being nice and respectful to my Natty?  Ya Allah, please take good care of my Natty.  I need her.

I have a lot of rice right now, plus I have less time, so it's easier to just buy takeout rice.  But this evening I cooked up some rice, and a couple of eggs.  Oh Natty, I just can't be bothered with cooking lately.  So I got a side of anchovies in sauce from the corner restaurant for my rice with eggs.  Even that much leaves a pile of dishes to deal with.  That's the problem with rice: there is so much labor involved with cooking it.  I'm more inclined to fry up some bread, then dip it in curry that I got from the corner restaurant.  That was my lunch, and it was so filling that I felt uncomfortably stuffed all throughout Mary Unknown7's set.   So before I cooked dinner, I went out and bought ramen fixings.  Ramen is the perfect lunch for me, both labor and portion wise.  When we are together inshaAllah, I will devote more time to cooking.  Hopefully I won't lose my chops by then, because right now I'm SO unmotivated.

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