Monday, December 9, 2019

The tree is dead, long live the tree

Hi Natty!  How are you, my love?  Are you managing those stress levels OK?  Let me guess, you are having a 60% success at controlling stress, but it's difficult to rid of it absolutely.  Well that's understandable, there's more responsibility and stuff to do now you are successful.  Plus, it's the holiday season.  The logic is that you will never catch up, so you had better procrastinate in favor of your heart.  You will be fine inshaAllah, please follow my instructions.  Everyday after completing your business or at a certain time, stop whatever it is you're doing and go back to that quiet place and slow your pulse down.  You MUST take care of your heart.  Accept no engagements that interfere with this routine.  Don't worry about jealous rivals, my darling.  Yes, you are a nice person.  That's one of the reasons why I love you.

I finally dismantled that dead amra tree by my front gate.  I was successful in planning it, thus I am grateful I didn't get hurt or killed alhamdulillah.  That old tree was fine in January, and producing lots of fruit.  Now it's dead: things change fast.  When I chopped it up into manageable logs, I found that it was full of parasites, flying everywhere all over me along with the sawdust.  Bleah!  They only eat trees and not humans, I hope.  Right next to the dead tree I planted an Inai a couple years ago, which is used for its fragrance and dye.  It's supposed to be a shrub, but now it's become huge.  I wonder if it will become a giant...

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