Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Please make a donation in the name of Allah of a minimum of one US dollar to a worthwhile charity

You were totally on the ball today, Natty.  Great job.  Right after my last post, I checked the local news and they reported that the lead singer of Roxette just passed away.  It took Yahoo over 12 hours later to display the news.  So much for the instantaneous delivery of information in the Internet age.  I guess it depends on where you look.  Yahoo did report on this years Nobel prize ceremony though, but mostly on what the girls were wearing.  Tiaras!

Mary Unknown7 suddenly had a fever while she was singing today.  Right in the middle of the set, she came down with a fever and was weakened.  I gave her a couple of aspirin and she felt better, but she's still feeling quite miserable.

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