Friday, October 11, 2019

Aw Natty

My precious Sweetheart.  My beautiful Rock and Roll Princess.  You are so beautiful, I love you so deeply, I think of you constantly, and how I long to be with you.  You are so precious to me.  Don't you worry my darling, you are going to be just fine and everything will work out for us fantastically InshaAllah.  Just you enjoy being a fabulous and luscious model for now, and travel to all the exotic places in the world that others can only dream about.  Why don't you try singing?  Not for competition or anything like that, but just to belt some songs out and scream, it's a lot of fun, I promise you!  Take a few of your buddies to a karaoke joint in Amsterdam.  You will have a great time!

These are my 3 cats Floofy, Lookie and Yoolie lying at Mary's feet while she's singing, all stoned and passed out.

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