Monday, October 21, 2019

Aw Erin

Are you hangin' in there, Honey?  Don't you worry about anything my precious Darling, everything will be all right InshaAllah.  I love you, OK!  Yeah, everything may seem all amped up right now, and it's getting you so excited, you have so much energy you don't know how to contain it.  But really if you think carefully about it, the situation is exactly the same as it was 6 years ago.  It's all the same old day, and this is your life.  This is our life together.  You can always talk to me, you know I love to chat with you.  Use your Instagram to talk to me.  Afraid of the Public Eye?  What does it matter now?  What can they do to you anymore?  Don't you worry, my love.  I love you, and I am always with you.

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