Sunday, July 21, 2019

Hi Erin

How's it going today, Honey?  Working through the weekend?  I hope that business is easy going for you.  You have a house plan, right?  As I recall it's your hobby to design homes, and I did ask you to design your own home before.  I'm certain that I gave you some dimensions.  The world is in flux though as you know, and the only certain thing is change, so I might have you vary those dimensions and rearrange your design to fit what the future brings.  It is my goal inshaAllah to have my wives' houses on the same compound as my studio where I work.  I pray that I don't fail to secure this location, otherwise I would be forced to move to find a place where I can be married, and work at the same time.  Allah has given me instruction.  Ya Allah, please make my path easy.

Check out my soccer star look.  With a slutty dress and high heels, of course.

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