Saturday, June 22, 2019

Those eyes

Natty, you're so pretty!  I like that shirt, too.  It looks South American.  I'm glad to see that you are having fun.  Those eyes, though.  Make me wonder, "Hmmm?"  Well, I trust my Natty.  She's beautiful, and I love her.  It's probably just a weird photo op.  Go ahead and have tons of fun and make lots of money for yourself, my Darling.  But I do need to remind you to please maintain and protect your purity and chastity.  It's what makes you so valuable, and not just to me.

My elbow looks distorted in these snapshots.  It's a limitation of having a classic or system avatar.  Mesh avatars (are supposed to) have better and more accurate elbows and shoulders.  I guess when I can afford it inshaAllah, I will have to invest in a Bento avatar.  I like my system avatar even though it has its limits.  I've accumulated quite a huge inventory and wardrobe over the years, and I don't want to just chuck that away.

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