Monday, June 10, 2019

The coffee's not working...

Hi Erin! How are you, Honey?  How's business?  I assume you are very busy.  I hope you make lots of money for yourself, and you have a great time doing so.  Oh, I'm so drowsy!  The coffee didn't work today, and I almost fell asleep on my feet.  What's the solution?  More coffee?  I need a gopher!  I'm putting myself into a trance, usually a nap before the set plus coffee works fine, but today was especially sleep inducing.  I need more naps.  I want to snuggle with you!

But I kept busy instead.  I ate a lot today.  My Mom gave me some food, then I had food in the cooler, then I had to buy food at the night market.  I thought I did well at the diet, all of my pants are loose.  I guess I will have to get strict with myself again.  I don't want to fast more.  I want that coffee in the afternoon.  It usually works.  😫

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