Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Big business

Hi Erin!  How are you, Honey?  Is everything going smoothly for you?  I hope so.  How are you feeling?  I'm sure you are talking more now than you ever have.  Perhaps you can talk to me sometime.  Yeah big business can be scary, but Allah is bigger and scarier and that's what they can't bank on.  So tell me some of your emotions if you please, if you are afraid then put your fear in Allah.  You're my girl, and I love you.  I made fried noodles again, for lunch.  I'm trying to perfect my recipe.  I think I got the ingredients down, I just need to get the water content right.  My attempt before left the noodles too bloated, but in today's lunch the noodles weren't bloated enough.  It's cold and wet today but it's not raining right now, so I might have a chance to get to the mosque by sunset.  Please be patient my love, and please accept the situation as it is and in peace.

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