Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Happy Anniversary, Natty

Hi Natty!  How are you today, my beautiful Sweetheart?  I guess it's been a year since I officially proposed to you, and gave you a dowry.  I'm sorry it wasn't a ring, but that's coming inshaAllah.  I can't really count the years either, because I'm so slow at making money.  I have to take what Allah gives me, I pray that you understand.  I also can't count the time I found you at  To me, we actually started with the photo below:
That's dangerous water, Natty!  Your bosses had better take sweet, loving care of you.  I sang you a song for today, I hope you like it.  Please wear headphones to hear the real trippy effect.  I love you Natty, and I will marry you inshaAllah.

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