Friday, May 10, 2019

Dazed and confused

Hi there, my beautiful Ladies!  How are you feeling today?  There's a lot going on in America, I suppose.  Well I hope your emotions are in control, and you are having lots of fun doing business.  As for me, I am doing a little better today alhamdulillah.  Allah is being nice, and the weather has been nice and cool all day.  I got lots of sleep and I didn't have to labor in the morning.  Thus I gained a little strength, and voice training went very well.  No dropped notes!  Well, maybe one.  Dropped notes is a gauge of how exhausted I am, each dropped note is like missing a heartbeat, a step closer to death and joining the dead women I have to channel.  I did feel a bit agitated after voice training, I didn't know what to eat for breaking fast, and didn't really care either.  But I'm not as dizzy and wobbly as yesterday, I even cut the grass a little.  Usually I'm ready to go each year for fasting month, but this year is different somehow.  The singing is running me into the ground.  It's so damned serious.  But I feel better today, and I just cooked up some fried rice for dinner.

I'm thinner!  Does it look like I've lost weight to you?  I want to be a better clothes horse, just like Karl Lagerfeld.

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