Sunday, April 7, 2019


Hi Natty!  How are you today, my beautiful Princess?  You must be having an oh so awesome time in Bali, languishing on the tropical beach, just being and being your gorgeous self.  I wish I could be with you, but I have to stay here and work.  I hope you are having tons of fun.  Don't you be sad and blue because you are beautiful and I love you.  You're MY girl!

I like bamboo.  I have bamboo growing in my yard, which I planted 7 years ago I think.  I only keep one stick of bamboo, while I prune the rest.  I had been using hedge shears to trim the bamboo, which was a mistake.  Now there is a thicket of miniature bamboos about almost a yard high growing around the one main bamboo, all thick and tangled and mixed in with earth from over the years.  A couple of days ago I made it a project to get rid of that thicket.  First I tried pruning clippers, but the growth was too thick to even get the point through, and when it did managed to get through the texture of the bamboo would choke the pruner.  Next day I tried using a keyhole saw, but the growth would move around with the saw and I would have to hold a piece of the growth at a time to keep the saw steady, but then the saw would get stuck.  Today I discovered the most efficient way to remove the growth, was to beat the shit out of it with a heavy crowbar and the bamboo stumps would snap off, roots and all.  Brute force.  Why does nature have to be so primal?  I'm just a weak girl.

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