Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Hi Natty!

Sorry I'm running late, my love.  I just got back from the mosque, because it's Tuesday and I usually spend extra time there.  Today it was a back and forth trip to the mosque and my toilet, I'm ashamed to report.  Shaved ice.  Yet another thing I can't eat.  I used to have an iron stomach.  But all the acid over the years kind of wore it down, I guess.  Then just now I had to give Floofy an enema.  Poor kitty.  There's always something wrong with her, but I love her so much.  How are you, by the way?  I hope you are nice and calm and confident, and that you are healthy and safe.  How's the weather?  Has it warmed up in NYC yet?  It's hot over here.  I would like to send some heat your way, to help you warm up and me to cool down.  Anyway my love, I have more stuff to do so I'm going to go now.  Please pray, OK?

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