Monday, January 7, 2019

No pressing engagements

Hi Natty!  How are you feeling today, my beautiful love?  I'm sure you are busy, so please make sure you take care of your health and get plenty of rest.  Yes I know things are very exciting right now, but you must learn how to relax and slow down that heart of yours.  A nice game might help.  I like pinball, and I have a nice fishing game on my puny little Android device.  The fishing game never ends, because you can never catch all the fish.  How about an architecture and social game, like Sims 3?  Or even Second Life?  Design a house, perhaps?

I was talking to a ghost and he was complaining that he didn't have any pressing engagements, neither in the past nor in the future.  I said, "That's because you're dead!"  Come to think of it, I don't have any pressing engagements either.  I must adhere to my daily routine, which is full of obligations that I must fulfill.  But besides bills to pay, I don't have any pressing engagements whatsoever.  Except for death, of course.  We all have to deal with that.

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