Wednesday, December 26, 2018


Hi Natty!  How was your day today?  Did you have a marvelous time?  That's a lovely family photo as usual, and that is a curious T-shirt.  I don't recognize the people, so it remains curious to me.  You have an awesome day my love, and don't you worry about a thing.  I love you, and I will take care of you inshaAllah.

It's business as usual around here.  I took my Mom to the doctor for a checkup, did my laundry, and cut the grass in the evening.  I made fried rice for dinner.  Luka is in heat, but she's going to have to stay in the house so the humans don't kill her.  After I post this letter, I'll be going to the mosque to join the night prayer.  It's time for you to watch another movie.  I suppose you are relaxing and enjoying your time off, so please watch "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" (2008).

 I really like this snapshot.  I'm using it as my current desktop background.

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