Saturday, November 3, 2018

Ice blue

Hi Honey!  How's it going today, my love?  Are you keeping your cool?  Yes, it should be getting quite cold over there.  It's a nice cool day here.  It was so comfortable this morning, that I had such a difficult time getting up.  When I did get up, I felt so sluggish doing the chores.  I guess that's the problem with being too comfortable, is that we become sluggish.  But it felt so good!  I felt so happy.  I love comfortable weather.  It stayed nice and cool all day, and right now I only have one fan on.

The guy that was always shooting me while I sing was finally taken care of, so I'm not being disturbed by him right now.  I suspect he had his account shut down due to his acts of griefing, just as I expect he would log in as an alt with a different username so he could get some sort of revenge.  It's like the ancient days, the people who murdered Jesus Christ (peace be on him), also nowadays the people who murder those who strive for just dealings, they don't care about God.  They think they will never be caught.  However, God had severe punishment prepared for them.

I didn't get that many good snapshots with my photo shoot.  Oh well, it can't be always a good day.

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