Monday, October 8, 2018

Someone has to do it

Hi Natty honey!  How are you feeling, my beautiful Princess?  Wow, it sure looks like you are having fun, exploring and checking out live music.  If I were there, I would be doing that myself, going to concerts, searching for great new bands.  It's important for me/us to do so, to find great new music instead of having to consume the same old crap forced down our throats by the arrogant who think they are the power.  I have never asked to you to do this, because it is a dangerous task, so please take care.  It looks like you are very global, what with an Asian and a Black girlfriends accompanying you.  In fact, it almost seems like a show in itself...  Don't be so close to the speaker!  You will lose your hearing!  Especially with those bass frequencies.  It should plenty loud enough anywhere else in the room.  Keep the volume down on headphones, too.  I find that a single 6" speaker like in a guitar practice amp is most comfortable for loud listening.  You can put it right at your face and turn it up, and it won't hurt your ears.  Anyway, I hope you have tons of fun exploring, try to dress well all of you, and guard your chastity.  It's worth billions, and worth much more that besides big business.  I'm going to prepare my dinner now.  I'm going to make some curry pups.  Want some?

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