Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Green snake

Hi Natty honey!  How are you, my love?  You don't mind if I start calling you "Honey" instead of "Natty honey", do you?  I don't want there to be any confusion regarding the matter.  I'm sorry I'm blogging later than usual.  I didn't have time to post before I had to head out to the mosque at sunset.  Damn!  I saw a green snake entering the house through my bathroom window.  I immediately went inside to kill it, but I couldn't find it.  I pretty much spent the whole day in the kitchen.  Mackerel was going for cheap at the night market last night, and I suddenly had a craving for raw fish.  Mackerel is so tedious to fillet though.  When I have wealth enough to be married inshaAllah, I assume it would be wealth enough to not have to settle for mackerel for sushi and sashimi.  Filleting all that fish took the whole morning.  Good thing lunch was quick to eat.  Dinner was fried noodles, and I also cooked up some beans for the next batch of chili, and some rice for the cat.  When you cook Honey, follow this rule: cook for your tummy first, then add flavor later.

I looked for a forest for my last photo shoot, but somehow I wound up at some mountainous spiritual abode.  I did find a cabin, but it was a little more luxurious than yours, thus not as rustic.  These photo shoots sure take a long time!  I need to manage my time better...  Anyway, I'm sure you know my position on spirituality.  Many gods do not make The One God.

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