Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Are you excited?

Are you?  Are you?  It's great to be you.  Alhamdulillah.  With all your excitement, please make sure you give thanks to God and pray, and please take proper care of your tummy.  If you are super busy doing all sorts of fun things, then eat only simple foods and drink only plain water until you get a chance or learn to calm down.  Me?  Having you with me would make me very happy.  Are you hungry?  I made some more of that spaghetti in coconut alfredo sauce with chicken.  It's still very thick, even though I thinned it down since last.  I guess it could be even thinner.  Very filling.  Tastes like pasta alfredo.  Want some?
Oh I solved the Mystery of the Missing Poop, and the answer is disgusting!  Ew, ew, EW!  You DON'T WANT TO KNOW what the conclusion is!  Gag!  😬

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