Thursday, July 26, 2018

Spaghetti again

Hi Honey!  How are you today?  Busy as usual?  Everybody wants my girl.  No wonder, she's beautiful.  Are you hungry?  Tonight is spaghetti night.  Or pasta night, or whatever.  I actually wouldn't mind at all having spaghetti more often.  I must have a million recipes for spaghetti sauce.  Well, a lot.  So many, that I can't remember when I used the same recipe twice in a row.  Lately, I've been more interested in utilizing local ingredients in my marinara sauce.  For the simple reason of being too lazy to drive around looking for items like oregano and parsley.  Plus, I've been wanting to use one sauce as an ingredient in another.  It's kind of like stacking containers to save space.  Today I used "sambal tumis" (which is rehydrated chillies, onions, belacan (you know, the fermented shrimp stuff), sugar, salt fried in oil until saturated) in my marinara sauce.  Sambal tumis is a great sauce for local rice dishes.  I've been making marinara sauce from fresh tomatoes lately.  There's already a lot of water in tomatoes.  Just stuff tomatoes in the blender and press down.  With garlic and a cilantro bunch.  No additional cooking!  The spaghetti sauce is awesome, I tell you.  Delicious.  But I did cook the chicken breast in the sauce.  I mixed the pasta with the sauce, laid the sliced chicken on it, poured more sauce on the chicken, then garnished it with mint.  Want some?
Hey Natty Honey!  Want some spaghetti?  What's the rain all about?  Are you feeling a bit blue?  Don't be blue, because I love you.  Yeah, the waiting is the hardest part.  Please pray.  I've been waiting for a loooooooooong time, and for the worst thing: money.  But I must be the one who pays for my family.  Perhaps you are forgetting that this is Rock and Roll, and you are a Rock and Roll Princess.  I think you need an attitude check.  The computer wants you to watch "Pandora's Box" again.  The world is a stage, my dear.  Don't copy Lulu's actions or hair.  Copy her aura and attitude.  Heartbreaker.  Femme fatale.  Movie star.

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