Friday, June 8, 2018

Slow down

Hi Honey!  How are you?  I'm sure you have been busy.  Sorry I'm running late today.  I woke up REALLY late: 10:44 am!  Wow!  That's the most I slept in in decades.  For a total of 7 and a half hours sleep.  I always have something to do, but since I'm the only one who's doing them, I'm the only one who notices when it's not done.  Does that make sense?  It does in my case.  So you slow down too, Honey.  Pisces is renowned for being flaky, we might as well flake out sometimes as is our reputation.  That's the trouble with us Erin, we're too reliable.  So much that people consider our work to be imperfect.  So slow down, and let the world follow the pace of your heart.  Your precious heart, the heart that I love so much.

As for you Natty Honey, you have so much energy you're bouncing off the walls like a pinball!  I envy your youth, even though I wouldn't want to return to mine.  I make less mistakes now that I'm older.  I know these words are not enough to quell the lust of youth, but do try and get a hobby.  Something to waste time.  And don't you worry, everything will turn out just great inshaAllah.

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