Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Stretching that food dollar

Hi Erin!  How are you today, Honey?  Do you want to make love?  I do!  Oh... we have to get married first.  I have a lot of lust in me, I hope it's enough.  I estimate that I will have to do drugs to keep up with my wife, because I'm an old man.  Sigh.  Do you have a food budget?  I don't think that you would have to worry about something like a food budget.  It's almost the end of the month, so I have to be very frugal with food.  So it's time to finish what's left in the cooler.  Let's see, I have 3 dough balls, some sausage, a packet of hot dogs, 13 eggs, some bamboo shoots, some rice and potatoes.  Good thing I have lots of cat food.  I do have some money left, but I will need to buy some fish soon for Floofy's fish smoothies- she can't eat solid cat food anymore.  So I rolled up some dough, spread the sausage on it, then closed it up, then deep fried it.  It was OK, it was filling, but it needs marinara sauce and cheese.  I put too much oil in this batch of dough, so it didn't respond normally to deep frying- it was flaky like pastry dough.  I do have another bag of flour, but I can't let this dough go to waste.  This dough is better for tortillas I think, so tomorrow I'll have hot dog and egg burritos.  Sorry, no snapshots of my food!

Hi there Natty honey!  How are you feeling today, you beautiful Sweetheart?  How's the weather?  You must be having a blast of a time, you're so pretty and everyone is paying lots of attention to you.  And they should.  I suppose you're going to have to head up back north for time with the family.  Well, please be safe and travel well.  I'm going to play drums for a bit.  Oh no, I don't have a drum set anymore.  All I have is a little snare drum, it's very old.  I don't know how I'm going to record the next album, perhaps God will grant me a miracle.  InshaAllah.

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