Monday, November 20, 2017

Big ol' clams!

Hi Honey!  How was your day today?  Nothing out of the ordinary for me, just a lot of housecleaning.  Yeah it has to be done, but if you want to keep me in a good mood you would keep me away from housecleaning.  I was about to finish off the chili for dinner, but I found these huge clams over at the night market!  That made me smile.  If you want to gauge the size of each clam, that's my hand they're resting on.  I've been steaming them for 20 minutes already, I guess at that size they are pretty hard to kill.  I don't want to overcook them though.

Hi Natty honey!  I'm glad to see you happy.  Your happiness makes me happy, and I hope you are happy with me.  Happiness is a glimpse of happiness.  Happiness is no housecleaning.  Happiness is big ol' clams!  I hope I cook them right...

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