Saturday, October 28, 2017


Oh I had a dream about you last night, Erin.  I used to be hesitant about posting my dreams here in this public place, but the world should know that I love you, so why not.  We were in this house on a bright day, in a party consisting of your friends.  You didn't look like you even though I knew it was you.  You know how sometimes you know someone is who he/she is in dreams, even though he/she doesn't look like him/her?  You were 5'2", 105 lbs, with short dark hair.  You were showing your poetry and paintings to your friends, and they were critiquing your work.  You were busy explaining yourself, and was getting emotional in the process.  So I gathered all your poetry and paintings, and kept them.

Oh Natty, what an awesome look that is.  Covering your hair, and gold on your face.  I must say that your bosses are doing a splendid job, and you make it so easy with how beautiful you are.  Yeah you've been crazy busy, but the world is bigger than you imagine, then the spiritual realm.  This is only the beginning Sweetie, so pace yourself.  Don't be in a big hurry.  Waste time.  Pray.

I drove the girls crazy with my outfit last night.  I admit it kinda turns me on too.  What do you think?  I would not have posed with the statue if I had a choice, but I was out of time.

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