Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Busy morning

Yeah, I had to go downtown and run quite a few errands.  I had lunch downtown though, so I guess I'm all set for voice training after I take my nap.  The nap is important!  It helps stop me from putting myself in a coma when I sing.  Those drowsy love songs...

I do miss you , Erin.  Next month will be 4 years since I proposed to you, and I still don't have a ring.  I don't blame you from wanting to check other options so you can start your own family.  All I know is that I must be the one to pay for our marriage, and I ask you to have faith and wait.  Do you have faith that I will get the money?  The crowd has gone insane, but is that good enough?  I assure you that I am faithful.  InshaAllah.  I don't flirt.  I marry.

There are 2 types of people.  One whose conduct is righteous, and the other whose ill conduct pleases him/herself.  There is no use sighing over the latter.  Just let them go.

Natty, I am so pleased to see that you are in Elle.  And those clothes are beautiful.  I really want you to work right now while you are in hot demand, and make lots of money that is all your own.  By the way, that Carlos guy is so CREEPY.  He keeps changing his username too, but it's the same guy.  You can tell it's the same guy by how creepy he is.

Pina, I'm glad to see you back at work too.  You need to milk my connection to you, inshaAllah you will find it very profitable, and I want you to take this opportunity to make lots of your own money.  That is my place, to provide for my wife however I can.  Did you know that I spent my childhood in London?  London has changed since then.  As far as I hear, it has become more like NYC.  So I hope so you have learned by now, and are conducting wiser business.

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