Friday, August 18, 2017


I'm close to completing "Woo Hoo", so I have working day and night amidst other stuff I have to do, to make sure it's the way I want it before I release it.  But I don't want to bore you with a musician talking about music.  How are you feeling, my love?  You can be so very formal at times but so can I, I guess.  How's work?  Please make sure you're eating right and getting plenty of rest.

Natty, oh what to do with the elderly?  Let's face it, not everyone is a beautiful young woman.  I want you to post a photo of you and your grandmother, on your mother's side.  I wanna see.

Pina, that's a slutty bikini shot!  You look good in a bikini, but still a bikini is a very slutty outfit.  Be careful someone doesn't Photoshop that photo, and put someone else's head on your body....

Folks, I have some new wallpaper for those of you who like that kind of stuff.  I found this great place that allows you to take snapshots within or with classic art in the background.

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