Saturday, August 26, 2017

Oh summer

And the attack of the swimsuits!  If it were a blessing, I would be so much more pleased.  But you are so beautiful, what can I say?  I spent the morning doing housecleaning.  It is Sunday after all, and I always clean my mother's bedroom every Sunday.  It looks like you are having a blissful time enjoying the sun.  I long for the autumn breeze in the mountains.  Yesterday was a rather cool day though, alhamdulillah.  There was a cool breeze blowing into my bedroom while I was voice training, which culminated in a storm at 5 pm.  My room didn't cool down until the next morning though, but it's still cool right now.  Stuffy little room.  I have some bread baking in the oven.  Baking bread takes a longer time, but I'm not using up cooking gas.  I'll eat it with the beef has I made the other day.  A very humble menu today.

Oh Natty, you look beautiful!  There's always shit going on, how can you not see it?  It's better than being stoned and numb all the time- being alert gives you the edge.

But right now I feel sleepy.  Pina, do you like doing housework?  Maybe you can change my bedsheets.  I hope there's no grass growing underneath.

**yawn**  More rest!

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