Friday, June 23, 2017

Last day of Ramadan!

And it's fine and sunny outside.  Which means I stay inside, and work on the computer, then nap later.  It's been a great and exciting month, but I'm ready to be like the weaklings and just stuff my face whenever I feel like it.  I don't have much in my cooler though, and going shopping right now is out of the question, especially since I'm alone and it's unnecessary to put on lavish presentations.  But I have enough to get through to when it's safe to shop again.

Erin honey, you are so beautiful!  Don't worry OK?  We'll get there inshaAllah.  I am your husband and I have to do all I can to give you a good married life.  C'est la vie.

Natty honey, of course there are real accidents.  And of course you are my beautiful girl.  Don't lament over not having a normal life, because you have something better.  You are my Rock and Roll Babe!

Pina if you are having stomach problems right now, it's probably because you are more emotional than you thought.  Just eat simpler, and stop trying to be so professional.  All you need for your work is to be beautiful, and you are.

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