Monday, April 3, 2017

Cat tails

No, it wasn't the cat food.  Floofy ate a little of the new stuff, but now she's lost her appetite again.  Since she's been having trouble pooping, I'll have to conclude that she's constipated again.  But I felt her tummy, and it wasn't as hard as the last time she was constipated.  I had to press deeper to find hardness, which was close to her butt hole.  A blockage is death to a cat.  Death, death, death.  Why does life have to be about death all the time?  How that be living?  The vet is the last resort, because the last time I was there, he told me that if the blockage didn't clear by itself, he would have to perform surgery.  The vet gave me something to be administered anally, but that hasn't been working.  Plus she growls and struggles when I stick that thing up her butt.  Who's going to hold the cat down while I doctor her?  I feel so helpless.  I bought some laxatives but it's for humans, so I been giving her mild doses.  The packaging says it's safe for infants, so I'm hoping it's safe for cats too.  Plus I've been force feeding her water.  She's been trying to poop it out, but no relief yet.  How long do I wait before taking her in for surgery?  I love her so much.

Erin, I feel you need to pour your heart out.  For God's sake, you live in the land of free speech, so don't allow yourself to be bullied into silence.  What's he going to do, have the secret police raid your home?  If it's about me, I would like to remind you all that without a ring, you have no obligation to me.  If you're worried about losing any sort of financial advantage I give you, it wasn't me who gave you the advantage: you must thank God for that.  Right now I can't afford to give my cat surgery, let alone finance a wife.  But I have no choice but to follow a spiritual path, and expect my reward only from Allah.  It's because of this music.  This..... music.  Of course I'm trying other directions to make money, but everything takes patience, and I can't do it at the expense of the music.  I know better.  What's practical for others is not practical for me.  Your leap of faith is how long do you put up with me.  Now that you know I am forced to wait for God, how long do you want to wait for God?  But if you want to talk to me in real time, the best way right now is to meet me in Second Life.  Post a screenshot of your avatar on your Instagram like the one I have of me below, then I will tell you when and where we meet.
I bought some tomatoes and a chicken while I was downtown.  I portioned out the chicken to be stored in my freezer.

The chicken liver had to be eaten quickly, so for lunch I had chicken liver and onions smothered with marinara sauce, on top of lettuce and tomatoes in a sandwich.  Tasted great.  No stomach problems whatsoever.

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