Monday, March 6, 2017

Aw. AW!

Hi there, my beautiful Erin!  How's business today?  How's it going in the life of the ravishing sports princess, selling all those wonderful sports accessories?  You are so loved, my All-American Sweetheart.  I love you.

And Natty, you are so happy you can hardly stand!  I glad to see your brother is OK.  Did you go café hopping all by yourself?  Food business is big business Natty, so make sure you dress sharp.  Your bosses should dress you up and buy you dinner at the more expensive places.  Just enjoy the food you like and take snapshots.  Take snapshots of the food and the place.  Now you be careful when you drive around on that Vespa.  Wear a helmet, OK?  You're so precious to me.

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