Saturday, February 18, 2017

The bird that meowed

Oh, I was taking care of my plants this morning when I heard someone meow.  I looked around me, but I didn't see any cats so I went back to work.  Then I heard that meow again, and again, and it sounded like it was coming from above me.  But I still couldn't see any cats around or even above me.  Then that meow came from above again, then turned into bird song.  It was a bird that meowed!  No, I didn't see the bird.  But it didn't meow again.  Maybe it was a myna bird or parrot.  Too bad they're not native to this area.

Hey, you know a couple of Bat Cat clones!  You may have noticed, but my Bat Cat passed away about 2 months ago.  I didn't talk about it because of reasons.  But I had to fight hard for his life, so needless to say I was upset and angry.  However, Allah replaced my Bat Cat with another Bat Cat this week.  Bat Cat IV is slimmer than his predecessor, with a longer and bushier tail, almost like a squirrel.  He's also quieter and more cautious.  It's obvious that he's hanging around me because of the females I keep locked up in my house, so I don't know how long he's going to stay.  But while he's here, I'll feed him and be his ally.  Check him out.  He looks more supernatural than the last Bat Cat, don't you agree?

Natty, the world has gone mad!  Mad, I tell you!  Mad, mad, mad, MAD, MAD,MAD, MAD!!!!

My red outfit today is more risque than usual, but its fun to have fun with clothes, especially since there's no way I could dress like that in real life, even if I were pretty.

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