Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Hi there!

Aw Erin, my beautiful beloved.  You are my love, and I love you so much.  Things are exciting, huh?  It's not magic, it's the power of God.  Enjoy your situation my love, there's nothing like it!  Please don't worry, because I won't abandon you inshaAllah.  Please pray.

Natty, Sweetie!  You're such a beautiful girl!  Are you having fun?  Please have tons of fun with your career, OK?  I don't want you to worry, because I will take sweet loving care of you InshaAllah.  I won't abandon you, so please pray.

I was in the kitchen all day today.  I woke up at 6am, did my morning worship, took care of my cats, watered the plants, then spent the rest of the morning in the kitchen.  I had to make a batch of dough, make stuffing for curry pups, and make my lunch at the same time.  It's hot weather right now, so I sweated over the dough, chopping all the veggies, and over the chicken broth.  But the dishes.... I hate doing dishes!  Lunch was rice vermicelli in chicken and potato broth.  It looks impressive, but it needs more flavor.  It was mild food, but it still gave me heartburn.  Why is that?  There's a deep connection between mind and stomach, and since the flavor wasn't perfect to me, it gave me heartburn.  Yeah, right.  Plus all that slaving over a hot stove.

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