Sunday, January 15, 2017

We are where we are

I have 3 cats, but only one cat box.  Mama cat Floofy dominates the cat box over her daughters.  I don't know what the exact arrangement is, but her daughters poop around the cat box.  Then Floofy likes to fling her poop as far away as possible, like she's throwing a Hail Mary.  I should be grateful they they poop in the area of the cat box.  But whether they poop in the cat box or around it, I'm the one who has to clean up the poop.

Natty, I want you to live and work in Paris.  I want you to stay away from America for 4 to 8 years.  Of course we can't help where your bosses post your photos, but you should at least not live in America.  America is not your turf.  It belongs to your brother and Erin.  By the way, please say hi and Happy Birthday to your Mom for me.

Pina, how are things going in Italy?  Did you get your new leather jacket yet?  Remember, I want you to live and work in Milan, and I want you to take a class on cooking Italian food.

Who are we?  For the most part, we are where we are.  Where would we be without Skokie, Canada, and the Netherlands?  I certainly would not have the same impact as I do now if I had lived somewhere else.  I follow the orders from God that I receive by inspiration and the Qur'an.  We need more than family connections to stay ahead of others, to be competitive.  Even though I'm not trying to compete.  I'm trying to please Allah.  I'm trying to be me.

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