Wednesday, January 25, 2017


You like your Mexican food extra hot and spicy, don't you Erin?  I love hot and spicy food, I love sweating it out over hot and spicy food.  But my stomach can't handle hot and spicy food, while my mouth craves it.  When I was younger, I used to chug down so much spicy food.  Now I have to have precisely measured amounts.  **sob**  I've been eating tortillas all day for some reason.  I had the dough, I know how to make it, and I have the craving for some reason.  Lunch was scrambled eggs and sauteed onions wrapped up in a tortilla, and dinner was 3 chicken curry with oyster mushroom burritos.  I actually made 4, but I gave one to my parents.  I guess chicken curry is more global than Mexican.  It was hot and spicy, though.

Natty, what are we going to do about your sensitive tummy?  You do know that there is a close connection between the mind and the stomach.  That's why it's called a "nervous stomach".  That's why stress can give you ulcers and diarrhea.  That's why you shouldn't drink alcohol.  I know you don't like people gossiping about you.  I know your love life is stressful, and I'm sorry.  But consider the alternative: do you think a normal life is easy?  Do you think everyday people have it easy?  Do you think your parents had it easy?  No, life isn't supposed to be easy.  So you might as well be an international supermodel, and get married to a rock star.  You have people who love you, and want to look after you.  Me.

Pina, do you want a tortilla?  Is it true that they speak Mexican in Spain?

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