Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Let's get cooking

It's pizza night!  I decided to try a different sauce recipe this time, plus use shredded mozzarella cheese instead of cheap old sliced cheese.  I rather sensitive to mozzarella cheese, like I'm sensitive to mayonnaise.  It's all those years working at a pizza joint.  I think the best mozzarella should taste like provolone.  This cheese didn't taste all that special, but at least it didn't stick to the knife.  The sauce I made is sweeter and spicier than my old sauce.  I also made some home made halal beef sausage, for my favorite pizza which is sausage and basil.  The basil harvest isn't good right now: I don't think the basil likes a lot of rain.  All the seedlings die quickly.  I had to chop up whatever basil I did have very finely, and eat it raw on the pizza.  I think I like the flavor of sliced cheese better, but shredded mozzarella is certainly more photogenic.  Ugh... I'm full.

Natty, you're looking really hot!  I like those shoulders, very sexy.  How's your tummy, by the way?  I know you like pizza, but what else do you like?  I'm guessing that you have a sensitive tummy, you don't eat a lot, and you don't like to experiment with food.

Pina, you are as pretty as a picture!  Do you want some pizza?  You must take a cooking class while in Italy.  I promise you it would boost your modeling career.  InshaAllah.

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