Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Nose part 2

Hi there, beautiful Erin!  Most people think that my main inspiration when it comes to cooking is "Iron Chef", but that's not it.  I like Iron Chef, but my main influence in cooking is the Department of Health and Human Services.  That's where I get my ideas for planning meals.  You might be wondering when to chuck the food that's been in the fridge too long.  The key is to use your nose: if you don't like the way it smells, then throw it away.  Of course if it's covered in mold, then you should dump that too.  Mold makes a great antibiotic, though.

Hey Natty, you are looking beautiful.  Please look after yourself and stay clean: don't be an alcoholic or drug addict.

Piene, you're beautiful too.  What's for dinner?

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