Wednesday, November 30, 2016

My Reality

The great part about it is that I'm the one who has to pay or your house and your life, because you are my wife.  Please pray.

Natty, there is no emotional dilemma.  You haven't lost a brother, you've gained a husband inshaAllah.  The duck face video is for you.

If one knowingly employs crooks and they conduct crooked business, does that make one a crook too?  Or is it merely circumstantial?  Or is it simply too late?

For lunch, I went to a banquet which was held for the occasion of a circumcision.  No, not the same kid and he has 2 penises.  It was for a different kid.  I took a photo of my food for you.  It was rice, chicken, fish, pineapple curry, cucumber pickle, and hot sauce.

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