Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Working hard? Being strong?

Hi Natty!  How's business?  I hope you are keeping safe, and having fun with your career.  I want you to please be patient now that big business is coming your way.  You're a sensitive girl, so please don't be greedy.  Wait until the food cools down a little before you put it in your mouth.

I've had a lingering cough from my fever last week.  I would have whipped it, but I ran out of cough medicine, so the phlegm regenerated and clogged up my lungs.  It's been raining all day every day lately, so I didn't get to buy more cough syrup until yesterday.  I still had a voice, so I had to voice train as usual.  The show must go on.  Stand my ground.  Sing for the sake of Allah.  Sing or die.  So I hacked and dry-heaved my way through voice training.  It must have sounded awful.  But I can't make excuses not to be strong, then make people pity me.  What kind of a man uses pity as a tool?  I'm sorry if it sounds macho, but I would rather fight than have people feel pity for me.  My enemies would laugh, then wipe out my family anyway.  People would think I'm impotent.

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