Saturday, September 10, 2016

Poor Piene!

Piene, you're frightened!  Aw poor little sweetheart, everything will be OK inshaAllah (if God wills).  Big business is scary.  You're so young, and you don't have experience.  So please read up regularly on world events if you want to travel and do business.

MashaAllah (by the Will of God), everyone wants my girl, that makes you hot property and big business.  You are a superstar model, maybe too suddenly, but please treat yourself as precious jewels, and keep yourself safe.  For right now, please get plenty of sleep, and eat simple foods.  No spicy foods!  Calm your heart, everything will be OK inshaAllah.

I have to live my life in the Public Eye, and my wife must do the same.  It's awful to have no privacy all of a sudden, but it can be an incredible boost to your career as a model.  Yours and your bosses.  No we're not married yet, but people are crazy right?  This makes life exciting, doesn't it?  True safety is the protection of God, so please pray.  And please don't get greedy.  I want you to post on your Instagram regularly, so I know that you're OK and what you're doing.

As recently as earlier this year, I had another desire for a wife.  She was tempted by wealth, and became involved with organized crime.  She got greedy, fell under their control, and they used her as bait to get to me.  I lost interest in her.

So all of you, please keep yourselves safe and put your trust in Allah.  This is a spiritual path.  You may get scared and bale out, but no one can run away from God.  We can only run towards God.

Here's a nice song to help cheer you up.  Justin seems stiff in this video, no?  Justin, you need you dance everyday or you'll lose your chops!

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