Tuesday, August 9, 2016

No Pokemon Go for me

Sorry I was away for a day or two.  Interruption in Internet service.  Anyway upon your endorsement of Pokemon Go, I decided to install it in my cell phone, but my device isn't compatible with the app.  I don't feel like getting a new phone just to play the game, even though I could use an LED screen.  So it looks like you are the Queen of Pokemon Go.  I don't know what the competitiveness is all about anyway.  I'm the most noncompetitive person on the planet.

Anyway, I'm addicted to Second Life.  Mostly because I get to be pretty, because in real life I'm not pretty.  Those pictures in the background while I'm dancing is of the dance club staff.  That's a pretty blonde, huh?  Don't worry, I'm not stupid enough to fall in love with an avatar.  InshaAllah.  And I'm not flirting with them either.  It's virtually impossible for someone to be as beautiful as their avatar.  Which makes me wonder how your avatar would look like, since you're already beautiful in real life.  I'm curious.

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