Tuesday, June 14, 2016

My dearest, precious, sensitive heart

As I reflect upon all those letters I wrote, I realize that I have failed.  Again.  Not just in becoming wealthy enough to marry and support my family.  I failed to prepare you against the monster of mass media.  Even though I knew this moment of truth would happen to you long ago, how could you understand something that you've never encountered?  Would you take my word for it?  No, that's not logical.  You had to experience it for yourself.

Now that you know what it is, I'm asking you to let me handle the monster, and for you to just be my girl.  Just be my girl.  Allah has prepared me for this work, and will aid me inshaAllah.  I can't give up on you, I just can't do it.  So you please don't give up on yourself.  Don't destroy yourself with booze or drugs.  Take heart, and please pray.  I love you and I need you.

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