Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Hello Beautiful!

That sandwich looks delicious.  It's a lovely day today, nice and cool.  No sweat!  I didn't have to turn on the AC until 3 pm.  No shadows, either.  Overcast.

How do you like my outfit today?  Almost a Scottish look with the tartan jacket, with my Lady Di t-shirt underneath.  This is my guilty pleasure: I like playing dolly.  I wouldn't be able to dress this way in real life even if I were a woman.  I would have to wait until the next life, and hope that God will relax the dress code.  I like simple lines and conservative cuts, but sometimes I can get outlandish with color.  What's hard to find in SL are good skirts.  I have to avoid dancing on the logo, because it neutralizes the alpha on my shoes. and you can see the shadow of my feet.

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