Friday, May 6, 2016

Letter to Erin 20160507

In the name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful.

Hey Baby!  How's it going, my beautiful Erin?  I hope you're getting lots of rest.  Calm your heart Sweetie, and be cool.  There's more to come.  It's not easy being Top Cat, but I'm with you inshaAllah.  You can do it, my lioness.  And you can do it well.  I love you and I need you.  Say "Hi" to your Mom and Dad for me.  I put some of my baby photos here for you to laugh at.  My phone camera is crummy, and I don't have a scanner but hey, it's fun to look at.

Today has been a mess of leftovers.  My Mom gave me some leftovers as well, so I had to use those up too.  I had errands to run before Friday prayers, then I made a batch of my home made halal beef sausage, and I was running out of time for lunch.  I had leftover sweet and sour sauce and a whole chicken, so I cut off one of the thighs and fried it while I worked.  It didn't cook all the way, but I sliced off whatever meat I could, chucked them into the simmering sauce, and gave the rest to the cats.  I did have time to cut the grass in the evening, after being stuck in the kitchen the whole week.  The grass sure grows quickly around here, especially now after it rained.  Dinner was just a bunch of leftovers thrown together in a pot as chicken soup.  Not worth photographing.  Hey, you make sure you get lots of rest, OK?  Pray, and get your mind set for the next round, Scrapper.

Please allow to say something to Antonia.

Dear Antonia, are you longing to go home as well?  Isn't Germany right next door to France?  How's business?  That's a very pretty photo of you with that kid from Cape Town.  I thought South Africa was well off compared to the rest of the African nations.  Be cool and optimistic, OK?

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